Apr 15, 2022Sterile Water InjectionsSterile Water Injections: The SATURN trialRead more about the study protocol for a randomised controlled trial: Sterile water injections for relief of labour pain (the SATURN...
Feb 10, 2022Sterile Water InjectionsNew research: Comparison of 2 vs 4 sterile water injectionsRead the new research paper published in Women and Birth where researchers compared 2 versus 4 sterile water injections for the relief of...
Sep 4, 2020Sterile Water InjectionsNew research proves water injections effectively relieve backpainFor the one-in-three women who experience severe back pain during labour and birth, a safe, simple and effective treatment to ease the...
Jul 31, 2020Sterile Water InjectionsThe ‘midwifery voodoo’ pain relief that science proves worksOne in three women experience severe back pain during labour and birth. And now, a safe, simple and effective treatment to ease the pain...
Jul 3, 2020Sterile Water InjectionsSterile Water Injections shown to be a simple, effective and safe form of pain relief during labourRead the research paper on sterile water injections have been shown to be simple, effective and safe during labour and have no effect on...