We are happy to share that we have now partnered with Demand. Film who will help us share the DJÄKAMIRR story with you and the rest of Australia (and beyond!) Jump onto their website to see screening locations or host an event yourself. Hosting is easy and free of cost.
"This film is powerful, stunning and an inspiration for all Aboriginal women and non-Indigenous midwives."
Professor Rhonda Marriott
AM, PhD Murd., RN, Midwife
Centre Director, Ngangk Yira: Murdoch University
Research Centre for Aboriginal Health and Social Equity, Australia
About the Documentary
For over 60-000 years Yolŋu childbirth happened on-country with skilled djäkamirr- midwifery caretakers -using ancestral wisdom and bush technologies to support women and babies. Yolŋu flourished. Since the recent arrival of Western missionaries in the 1920s and the removal of childbirth to hospital, Yolŋu have been suffering. Women are now disconnected from their support systems and the region has profound health inequities including the highest rate of preterm birth in Australia.
Djäkamirr is a two year project, filmed on the ancestral homegrounds of the Yolŋu First Nations people in North East Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Australia. It is a collaborative project with community based on the strength of relationship and the importance of connection. Yolŋu have a strong cultural identity and speak Yolŋu Matha as their first language/s. The region is remote and despite the wealth of Australia, has inequitable health outcomes and poor access to many basic services. The documentary explores childbirth from the perspectives of Yolŋu women in Galiwin’ku, a small town on Elcho Island.
Ḻäwurrpa Maypilama
Co-Director & Co-Writer
Sarah Ireland
Co-Writer, Interviewer, Project Manager
Pat Josse
Co-Director, Videography & Post-Production
Shellie Morris
Rachel Baker
In partnership with Yalu Aboriginal Corporation
and Australian Doula College.